🔒 2024 كتاب أسرار
Hai ganja, i have crush on u since i saw you in my timeline which means it`s been a long time XD You look so cute and very gentle at the same time, idk why i like you just bc this reason... But i think, Whatever it is in you, I really like it. Gue gak tau apa lo udh beneran putus sm cp lo atau blm. Kalaupun ternyata belum, gue minta maaf bgt soal pengakuan gue ini ya, wkwkwk. Gue cm mau ungkapin ini disaat lo udh bener bener single. Walaupun gue tau itu bukan berarti ada harapan buat gue, xixi. Gue cm gak mau nyesel aja sih udh mendem doang selama ini. And yeah, here it`s. I like u more than u know. I just hope ur w day goes smoothly and pleasantly. if there is a problem, it`s okay. That`s a sign that you are asked to be better and more patient than yesterday.