Which Job Would You Have Had In Medieval Europe?

How would you have fit in during the Medieval Era? Which of the numerous important jobs would you have had in Medieval times? Take this quiz and find out which job would you have had in Medieval Europe!

Which Job Would You Have Had In Medieval Europe?

The Middle Ages were a pivotal time in European history. The jobs in the Middle Ages were substantially different from those of today, yet they were related. Blacksmiths, stonemasons, armorers, millers, carpenters, minstrels, weavers, winemakers, farmers, watchmen, shoemakers, roofers, tax collectors, and wheelwrights were common occupations throughout the time. If you existed back then what would have you been doing? Take this quiz and find out which job would you have had in Medieval Europe!

A baker

A winemaker

A weaver

A mason